Oct 10, 2010

Module Thirteen Chapter Seven Bookwork

When playing a game nothing breaks the immersion like save points. To me it doesn't matter what kind of game it is, RPG, Cinematic FPS as long as you have to reach a certain point or environmental object to save, the game is broken, if it has a save option you need to have the ability to save at any time. I can not begin to tell you the number of games that started off awesome, but because the mechanics of the save featured made you reach a certain point or in-game item to save, ruined it for me. Example, Tomb Raiders early titles, once you run a gambit in the game only to die right before reaching a save point and realizing you have to do it again and again before finally reaching a glowing crystal or a typewriter or some mark in the environment just to save, has totally killed any immersion the creators of the game took the time to make. Free save points would be my save of choice, save anywhere outside of a combat situation and you do not disrupt the flow or the emersion nearly as bad. The balance comes in with the non-combat save option.

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