Aug 22, 2010

Module Four "Chapter Two Book Work"

3. Changing development process to cope with restrictions.

Restricition examples:

Game rating

My hypothetical original game idea would have been a first person shooter, the mechanics were outlined and overall theme established, but the powers that be indicated that its audience would be a specific age demographic locking the ESRB rating to teen. The powers also came back with a genre that did not match the original concept of the FPS, so we are looking at two restrictions that need to be addressed. The original process would need to be revisited and a new feel set for the teen ESRB rating, further research into what is acceptable material to keep the teen rating would need addressed as well as the genre in which the game is to take place. Addressing the Teen age bracket may reflect on our art set and story content as well as type of genre the game will take place in. Say the first thoughts pitched were a cops and robbers game, some of the content would have to be tamped down so there would not be some bloodbath shoot out but more arrests and escapes style of play so the genre would go from the gritty good guy bad guy shoot'em up to a more subdued keystone cops, campy funny feel.

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