Aug 22, 2010

Module One "Fifteen Minute Board Game"

The path on the printer paper was nine rings radiating out form a single space in the middle that is the starting area, the rings are broken into spaces and connected to one another by bridge spaces that allow you to cross from one ring to the next, exiting the last ring is one bridge to a dock space, first player to reach the dock space wins. The rings hold spaces that are good to land on or bad to land on, one may reward you to advance, give you a boon, the others may cause you to loose spaces or even rings.

The game is played with 2 6-sided die and I used pennies as movement tokens.

Objective is to leave the center Island and reach the dock first by moving clockwise around the board.

Highest roll goes first, player rolls the dice moves that number of spaces out of center island onto the first ring clockwise.

Conflict roll off.
If the players land on the same space they have a roll off, each player rolls the dice highest number wins, winner then rolls one die and the loosing player has to move back that many spaces.

First player to reach the dock wins.

( I tried it again taking some of the notebook paper and made "cards" that held boons or pitfalls and added spaces that would ask you to draw from a deck)

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