Aug 22, 2010

Module Four "Free Play"

BJ Case 1: In Search of the Skunk-Ape

Was the game a challenge, fun, entertaining? Why?
Well, the game was a challenge to get running due to the dated resolution, my monitor would not support such a low configuration, so I had to do some adjustments internally. The style of the game was that of kings quest, change the cursor icon to do things like walk and look, talk etc. it was antiquated and clunky, there was no challenge to speak of, and its dated nature and blandness took away form the entertaining aspect they were trying to create.

Does the game have replay value?

No replay value whatsoever, once completed you could go through the same steps to complete it again. It seemed as though the author tried to created a statement regarding the wetlands in Florida and create a mystery revolving around some murders and a smelly ape legend. None of which were pulled off in a way that it could be replayed and a new outcome reached.

Is this game story driven or game play driven? Explain your Opinion.

The game is very much story driven, humor is peppered in the conversation with different actors in the game as well as clues you can keep in your notebook. Items you find along the way are kept in your backpack and a narrator explains what each item is when the appropriate icon is selected.
How is the game's presentation? (Graphics, Sound)

The Graphics and sound were very dated, the voiceovers were a nice touch but the recording had pops and breath end them that should have been removed in the editing process, the graphics were like 32 color and very blocky, time was obviously taken in creating the graphic set and syncing the voice over and mouth movement. Had the title been release on the Commodore 64 it might have been passable.
How are the Controls? Describe the Game's Feel

The feel of the game lacking any real weight. You navigate through the game by point and click after selecting a mouse icon that reflects what you want to do, i.e. look at a map hanging on the wall choose the eye icon and click the map.
Any other special features you enjoyed?

The notebook feature was a nice touch allowing you to write your own notes, but the depth and length of the story made it an unnecessary feature.
If you could change one mechanic, what would it be and how would it affect game play?

Upgrade the engine allowing a smoother animation sequence and a more diverse graphics pallet, particle effects, sounds and a depth that was missing in the game.
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the game? Why?

I would rate the game a 4 for a number of reasons, no lower then that because of the obvious work placed in the construction of the game and the thought put into the overall environmental message, no higher because the nature of the game and construction almost made it unplayable, and if its not playable the message the author was trying to convey is lost.

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