Sep 5, 2010

Chalk Free Play

Was the game a challenge, fun, entering? Why?

It was challenging to keep me interested long enough to complete the assignment, this is not my type of game nor do I fall into the age group I think this would appeal to the most. I had no reason to care or no desire to aid the little character from her chalky dilemmas. I on the other hand would have had a much better time trying to capture the intended player as apposed to moving her through the obstacles.

Does the game have replay value?

If I were say 10 there maybe some replay value, but that is subjective as some may enjoy this immensely. To me there was not enough staged puzzles, other then the mini boss and main boss. The rest just seemed rather bland, even the boss battles had little to no thought on how exactly you could beet them.

Is the game story driven or game play driven? Explain your opinion.

As there was no textual story coupled with the fact that a stylized girl was moving through stages that seemed more like abstract dream sequences rather then a well designed level would lead me to believe this was driven by game play. Even though the game play was not my cup of tea the planning was there and the execution was done well enough to get the hang of what was needed easily enough.

How was the game's presentation? (Graphics, sound)

The sound and game style seemed like a nostalgic throw back to the early days of console gaming. The creator defined a style in his art assets and the sound bites he used to create the game and did that part well, the overall style chosen complimented the simplistic nature of the game itself.

How are the controls? Describe the games feel.

The controls were intuitive but redundant which made the game feel quite hollow. The constant clicking and dragging, while created as a part pf the "chalk board" adventure was just to repetitive and for no clear reason.

Any other special features you enjoyed?


If you could change one mechanic, what would it be and how would it affect game play?

The one mechanic I would change would be the course in which you navigated as the player. There was no real labyrinth feel even though you were assaulted buy strange chalk creatures there were now boundaries. The ability to change direction, say go up if the maze allowed for that would add another dimension of depth that was lacking in the whole experience.

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the game? Why?

I would say a solid four. The overall execution was there, effort was placed in the game and its creation, but it lacked so much for me to see it as a repayable title. Unlike Desktop tower defense, where I could play for wave after wave and kill copious amounts of time at work.

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