Sep 26, 2010

Module Twelve: Chapter Six Book Work

Module Twelve: Chapter Six Book Work

Question 3.
After playing Dark Fall for a few hours, concentrating on the melee aspect of its combat system I found it rather addictive. They use a skill base system so the more you use an item the better you get with it, the items use is effected by abilities and attributes. So the more you mine stone for example the more your strength increases and the more damage you due with your weapon. The more you swing your sword your sword skill increases thus allowing you to hit more often and increases your chance to do a critical hit. The combat is "Twitch" based meaning you do not click and highlight your enemy, you have to swing your sword at your enemy and try to hit it, the better you get within the skill you unlock combat skills that you can activate before you try to hit the opponent. Every battle is a chance to improve your character and master the controls needed to be an efficient fighter. Other then a few mechanical tweaks and a lay out changes I think they have a pretty sound model.

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